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Tag Archives: #NikkorZ100-400mm
Antarctica Dream Expedition 7 – Fortuna Bay
South Georgia Island The next stop on the Antarctica Dream Expedition was Fortuna Bay on South Georgia Island. I had been waiting for this location as reports, reputation and photographs gave high expectations that this was a true jewel in … Continue reading
Posted in Antarctica Adventure, Birds, Landscapes, Marine Mammals, Mountains, Penguins, South Georgia Island, Wildlife
Tagged #Antarctica, #Chionisalba, #NikkorZ100-400mm, #NikonCreators, #NikonLove, #NikonZ8, #Snowysheathbill, #SouthGeorgia, Antarctica Dream Adventure, Antarctica Expedition, British Overseas Territory, Chionis albus, early light, elephant seal, Fortuna Bay, Fur Seals, Gentoo Penguin, Giant Petrel, glaciers, King Penguin, King penguin mating ritual, Mist, Mountains, Nikkor 24-70mm f/4 S, Nikkor Z 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR S, Nikkor Z TC-1.4x, Nikon Z 8, reflections, Richard King Photography, Snowy SHeathbill, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia Island, wildlife, Wildlife bird photography, Wildlife of South Georgia, wildlife photography,,