Was this Pied-billed Grebe (Podilymbus podiceps) thinking:
A) My eyes are bigger than my belly
B) Oops have I bitten off more than I can chew
C) Its OK I am really a Pelican

Pied-billed Grebe (Podilymbus podiceps) trying to devour a fish that was much too large for its gullet
or was he just being too Greebey (sic)?
There was no way he could swallow a fish that big and he does not have the means to rip it up and eat it one bit at a time.
But he did think gravity could help – so he would stretch up then duck down then stretch up again. But of course size did prove to be everything!
To get a better idea of his action I recorded this video (just starting to try out video in my Nikon D4S)
In the end he spat it out. But then immediately dived for it to try again! OK for persistence, but needles to say it didn’t work!
I think it was C.) – it thinks it’s a pelican.
It is funny to watch him – almost like he keeps looking around to make sure no one is watching him try to eat the fish! Great shots!